Year: 2021

Chandra X-ray Observatory: Expedition to Unravel a Marvelous Universe

NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO) is a telescope specially designed to detect X-ray emission from all sources of high energy in the universe that are invisible to the human eye. This great observatory was formerly known as the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) and has joined the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the now-defunct Compton […]

Expanding Horizons: From Spiral Nebulae to Galaxies

Astronomy and Cosmology have for a long time, been one of the most debated realms of science. Observations paved the way to theories and arguments through the origins of the universe, up to the classification of stars. Until a not-so-distant past, galaxies such as “Andromeda” were simply termed nebulas. With the existence of other galaxies […]

6 Incredible Space Discoveries You Could Have Missed in 2020

Medical breakthroughs dominated the news in 2020, but astronomers continued to work even in the face of a pandemic. They scoured radio waves for strange signals, identified new galaxies, and even determined which alien star systems may be able to detect Earth. Here are some of these mind-blowing discoveries. 01. Emissions of radio waves from […]

Of “Interstellar”: A Marvel of Space Travel

Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar,“ the smart sentimentalism which opened in theatres across the United States, delves into black holes, wormholes, and space travel, apparently taking scientific concepts seriously. Most renowned theoretical physicist Kip Thorne acting as an adviser and executive producer on “Interstellar” has brought to light a story that has not been experienced cinematically before. “Interstellar,” being […]

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