Cassini-Huygens: Unveiling the Jewel of the Solar System

Cassini-Huygens commonly called “Cassini” that is space research mission. Cassini collaborated among NASA the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Italian Space agency (ASI)to send a space probe to study the planet Saturn and its system. U.S. Cassini-Huygens – Saturn-bound European spacecraft launched on October 15, 1997. The mission included the Cassini orbiter from the […]

New Horizons: NASA’s New Frontiers Program

The New Frontiers Program aims to carry out targeted planetary science investigations while utilizing effective management techniques. The main goal of the program is to provide unique scientific insights through Solar System exploration. The Planetary Data System (PDS) archive will be expanded to include scientific data, maps, and other products so that all scientists can […]

Zooming Through the Pioneer Program: Pioneer 6, 7, 8, and 9

Interplanetary space contains the mass and energy of the solar system so that planets, comets, dwarf planets, etc., are moving objects within it. Pioneer 6, 7, 8, and 9, which were carried out in such an environment, were another giant step in the space exploration of the Pioneer program, launched in between 1965 and 1969 […]

Space Probes: In Pursuit of Perception Beyond Earth

With a universe so vast, shrouded in mysteries, scientists are seeking ways to decipher those unsolved dilemmas beyond the Earth. Space probes are unpiloted spacecraft that travel beyond Earth’s orbit to gather information about outer space for scientists to study. They function independently, collecting data and returning it to Earth for various analyses. Throughout history, […]

Brown Dwarf ‘The Accident’: Neither Star Nor Planet

Brown dwarfs are sub-stellar objects with a mass that ranges between that of a planet and a star. Brown dwarfs are considered sub-stellar objects as they lack the mass required to satisfy nuclear fusion to become fully-fledged stars. Hence dubbed as “failed stars” by many, ” brown dwarfs emit dim light due to thermal radiation. […]

The Time Traveler: James Webb Space Telescope

Humans have been curious and wondered about infinite space for centuries. Their insatiable curiosity drove them to observe & explore space by inventing various technical devices over time to time. With the advancement of science & technology in the 21st-century space exploration has gone beyond its old limits. As a result of the experiments, observations, […]

Apollo 11 Mission: One Giant Leap For Mankind

The Moon, bejeweling the cosmos as our nearest celestial neighbour has drawn curious minds towards its dusty craters and dead volcanoes since time immemorial. Through ages, from fly-bys to crewed missions, man has explored the Moon uncovering its enigmatic phenomena. The maiden lunar exploration expeditions were fulfilled by robotic machines and later advanced into crewed […]

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