Author: SEDS UOC

“Where are we?”: An Answer from Margaret Geller and Vera Rubin

Where are we now, and where are we going? These are two questions that humans have been asking themselves for millennia. From philosophers to scientists, great minds throughout history have attempted to answer this question. However, with the advancement of modern science and astronomy, we might be able to answer this in a quite literal […]

Margaret Hamilton, The Woman Who Landed Software on the Moon

On 20th July 2021, we commemorated the 52nd anniversary of the first-ever moon landing of mankind. On a day like that in 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin marked the first human steps on the lunar surface, making the Apollo 11 mission a huge success, surpassing a huge milestone in the history of space exploration. […]

6 Incredible Space Discoveries You Could Have Missed in 2020

Medical breakthroughs dominated the news in 2020, but astronomers continued to work even in the face of a pandemic. They scoured radio waves for strange signals, identified new galaxies, and even determined which alien star systems may be able to detect Earth. Here are some of these mind-blowing discoveries. 01. Emissions of radio waves from […]

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